Lockdown has presented us all with new opportunities - from reconnecting with loved ones to learning how to cook. The opportunities are endless.. and as for our WIPED writer, Monica, she has learned to embrace her natural hair.
Monica tells us about her new found appreciation for her afro:
Since forever, I have relied on heat appliances for job interviews, nights out, shopping trips and date nights.
If my hairdresser couldn’t fit me in, I would go into a complete frenzy and have a meltdown, worrying about what on earth I could do with my natural hair.
Prior to lockdown, my hair was always straightened or at least blow dried because I never liked nor attempted to style my afro completely fresh from a wash, without heat, unless it was braided.
But after the whole of the UK was told to stay inside, I was presented with a unique opportunity: to go natural, to make my hair healthy and to hopefully see some hair growth.
However, what I didn't expect to happen was to actually like my hair!
At school, I used to look at my class mates and try to understand why I was dealt ‘the short straw'.
I soon began straightening my locks way too often to achieve the no frizz and sleek perfected look.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am the most confident person who loves myself and sings hundreds of ‘I am beautiful’ affirmations a day.
But if there was one thing I could have changed prior to lockdown, it would have always been to change hair type.
Until lockdown, I had never given my natural hair a chance, but now I appreciate and love my look even more.
I have googled, watched tutorials and experimented with an array of different hairstyles - I have even asked my mum to recreate styles from my childhood - which I didn’t appreciate when I was younger!
Now I have a new natural hairstyle every other week - the options are endless, but if you had spoken to me before lockdown, I would’ve complained and said there was nothing that I could do with my natural hair.
Lockdown has given me a new-found confidence and has taught me the importance of self-acceptance.
Has your look changed since lockdown? Message us on Instagram @wipedmagazine