It is more important than ever in this time of loneliness to make sure we're looking after our mental wellbeing. There are multiple things we should be doing during lockdown to maintain a good headspace and to avoid feeling overwhelmed and stuck at home.
Social engagement
FaceTime a friend. Play a game with your household. Meet someone for a walk. Have a chat instead of watching that next Netflix episode. Be social! Engaging in social activity plays a huge part in your mental wellbeing and you never know, the other person might need it just as much as you do!
Be active
Allow yourself time each day to do some kind of exercise - even if it's just for a walk around the block or to the corner shop! Exercising releases endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in your mind. Everybody works differently but we have found exercising first thing in the morning is a brilliant way to clear your head and set you up for a positive day!
Learn a new skill
Learn or do something new! Whether it's cooking/baking something new, taking on a DIY project or taking up a new hobby like reading or knitting, learning a new skill boosts self-confidence, raises self-esteem and helps you build a sense of purpose. It also just makes you happy and proud that you've learnt something new!
Get out
As the pandemic has had us cooped up in our homes for what feels like years now, it's important to get out the house (unless you feel unwell at all - if you do you must STAY AT HOME). Sit in the garden with some music or a book, go for a walk around the block, enjoy a bike ride or a run... the list goes on. Escaping the house has never felt so freeing.
Be mindful
Last but by no means least, mindfulness is incredibly important when it comes to living in the present moment and maintaining a healthy wellbeing. Headspace is an extraordinarily popular app that really helps with meditation and mindfulness, which is actually greatly encouraged when it comes to maintaining your mental wellbeing.
Let us know over on Instagram @WipedMagazine if you've tried any of our suggestions! Honestly, these factors are so important for our mental health and wellbeing, especially during this time of uncertainty.